الدكتوره: شيفا هاري كريشنان
FRCOG-MRCOG المملكه المتحده FACSالولايات المتحده الامريكيه
MRCP ايرلندا
Dip: in Advanced Laparoscopy Germany –(France) – Italy جراحة المناظير من فرنسا – إيطاليا - المانيا
Dip: in cosmetic الجراحه التجميليه للنساء ( ألمانيا)
Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (Germany)
استشارية أمراض النساء والتوليد وجراحة المناظير
Master Surgeon in
Endometriosis Care
Surgeon of excellence
Medcare Women and
Children Hospital
Master Surgeon in
Invasive Gynecology
(Surgical Review Corporation - United States of America)
خبرة مثبتة في أمراض النساء: تنظير البطن و الولاده عالية الخطورة

منظار البطن
- خدتنظير البطن التشخيصي
- حفر المبيض بالمنظار من أجل تكيس المبايض
- إجراءات المنظار للحمل خارج الرحم
- جراحة تكيسات المبيض بالمنظار
- استئصال الرحم الكلي بالمنظار (حتى بالنسبة للرحم الكبير والأورام الليفية المتعددة السابقة)
- استئصال الورم العضلي بالمنظار (خبرة في إزالة الأورام الليفية الضخمة)
- استئصال الرحم المهبلي بمساعدة تنظير البطن
- جراحة المناظير لتدلي الرحم
- جراحة تدلي الرحم بالمنظار
- تثبيت عنق الرحم بالمنظار
- تنظير البطن لانتباذ بطانة الرحم

تنظير الرحم
- تنظير الرحم التشخيصي.
- استئصال بطانة الرحم.
- استئصال الورم الليفي.
- استئصال كتل حميده صغيره داخل الرحم وعنق الرحم.
- فتح التصاقات داخل الرحم.
- Novasure Endometrial Ablation
- Thermal Endometrial Ablation
- Removal of misplaced Coil
- Lysis of Intrauterine Adhesions (Synechiae)
- Septum Resection

حالات الرحم عالية الخطوره
- ارتفاع ضغط الدم.
- تسمم الحمل بارتفاع ضغط الدم.
- سكري الحمل.
- حمل التوأم.
- ضعف نمو الجنين.
- مه.
- Placenta Previa
- Abruptio placentia

الحالات النسائيه الأخرى
- علاج أنواع اضطراب الحوض وحالات سلس البول.
- عمليه لحالات سلس البول عن طريق الشبكه.
- الجراحه الترميميه لهبوط الحوض والمهبل.
- متابعة الحالات التاليه :
- علاج اضطرابات الغدد الصماء النسائيه.
- فحص ما قبل الحمل.
- استشاره قبل الزواج.
- مشاكل وانقطاع الطمث
- تكيس المبايض .
- حالات العقم.
- فحص سرطان الرحم وعنق الرحم.
- تنظير المهبل.
- فحص الثدي مع
- Cancer screening of uterus and Breast

طب النساء التجميلي
- تجديد وشد المهبل بالليزر.
- تبييض الفرج بالليزر.
- .G-spotتقنية
- علاج التشنج المهبلي
- علاج آلام الفرج.
- تعديل الشفرتين الجراحي

للحوامل3D-4D الموجات فوق الصوتيه
- رؤيه أفضل للجنين في الرحم.
- لتشخيص التشوهات الجنينيه مثل الشفه المشقوقه.
- Diagnosis of Congenital anomalies of Uterus
- Better View of the foetus in utero
- Arcuate Uterus
- Septate Uterus
هدفي هو توفير رعاية رحيمه للمرضى مع السعي المستمر للتشخيص في الوقت المناسب والتدخل الطبي الفعال.
الدكتوره: شيفا هاري كريشنان

زميل وعضو في اثنتين من الكليات الملكية في المملكة المتحدة وأيرلندا وزميل الكلية الأمريكية للجراحين بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ، بالإضافة إلى العديد من الدبلومات التي تغطي تنظير البطن المتقدم والتنظير الداخلي وأطفال الأنابيب والطب التناسلي من مؤسسات مرموقة في فرنسا وألمانيا وإيطاليا بعد انتهاء الدراسة. التخرج (MD & DGO) من الهند.
الكلية الملكية لأطباء النساء والتوليد ، المملكة المتحدة
زميل الكلية الأمريكية للجراحين ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
(طب التوليد) - الكلية الملكية للأطباء ، أيرلندا
الكلية الملكية لأطباء النساء والتوليد ، المملكة المتحدة
دبلوم الدراسات العليا الألمانية الإماراتية في أطفال الأنابيب والطب التناسلي
دبلوم في التنظير - مدرسة كيل ، ألمانيا
دبلوم في تنظير البطن المتقدم ، كليرمون فيران ، فرنسا
الرابطة العالمية لجراحي المناظير ، نيودلهي ، الهند
دكتوراه في الطب (أمراض النساء والولادة) ، DGO- جامعة كاليكوت ، الهند
بكالوريوس طب وجراحة - جامعة كيرالا ، الهند
صحة النساء من اولوياتي


As an expat, the primary thing that you need during your pregnancy is motherly care, but being away from home it’s a reality that you won’t have all the so-called luxury. My wife was lucky over here that she did not miss that care which was flooded with lots of love and care from Dr. Shiva. Right information was shared at the right time and above all no unwanted test, no fear. She always makes sure that the information shared is understood correctly and can relate to any pre-baby anxiety. We could not have asked for more. I would also like to mention the excellent quality and caring nature of all office staff and nurses.
Overall, a great experience, we feel lucky and healthy.
Aneesh & Lakshmi

I consulted Dr.Shiva at 32 weeks during my pregnancy. She is a helpful, kind & generous doctor who calmed me down with every consultation. Dr.Shiva & all her staffs are very friendly and they ensure that I am properly informed about my health. I also want to mention the nurses Bindu, Sujatha & Shiny who were equally patient, supportive and helpful. Dr.Shiva made me comfortable & relaxed on the day before the surgery. They ensured I had a smooth preparation, surgery and follow up. I am so glad I chose Dr.Shiva & I would highly recommend her to anyone.
May God bless her with good health, happiness & success always. A very sincere thank you to Dr.Shiva & her team.
Shafnah Riyas
Where do I even begin to express my gratitude to Dr Shiva. She has been my doctor since over 16 years. She’s been there to guide me and make sure my pregnancy is smooth. Through happy and difficult moments, she has always been a rock and so professional and knowledgeable. Our whole family truly appreciates her. It is so hard to find a good and extremely qualified doctor who will take the time to explain everything to you and be there right from the start of pregnancy till delivery and after as well.
God bless you always Dr Shiva for everything you do and the extra mile you go for your patients
I came to know about Medcare and Dr.Shiva through one of our family friends.I came to Dr.Shiva with heavy bleeding that I can’t explain and also the weakness and body disorders due to same. Initially when I got the appointment from Medcare to consult Dr.Shiva I had only normal expectations as a hospital and a doctor but after the consultation with Dr.Shiva, I realized that my expectations were wrong especially the way Dr.Shiva and her team had taken care of me. In the medical diagnosis, it was found that the heavy bleeding was due to a big fibroid on my uterus and the same was to be removed immediately. I am a person who is scared of surgeries and pains but the care from Dr.Shiva and her team made me relax like I am at my home with someone I am close with and my surgery was done successfully without any tensions and stress and now I am perfectly alright.
I am really thankful to Medcare and Dr.Shiva and team for your caring hands.
Jijina Paul
I was advised a laparoscopy surgery by Dr. Shiva through my local gynae and I am so glad that I found her. I was initially wanting to go to India for my surgery but I am glad I found a doctor who is extremely good at what she does. She was also extremely approachable, one main thing I personally look for in a Doctor. We had special request for the surgery and she so gladly adjusted her schedule to fit us in. She explained exactly what was my issue very clearly before the surgery and she patiently answered all our queries. I did not have a big fibroid but had other complications which she explained and also showed me the removal after the surgery. Today exactly 3 weeks later,
I feel absolutely normal and happy to share that you can blindly trust Dr. Shiva and her staff.
Leena Relan
The secret of awesome recovery is a doctor who is simply extraordinary just like Dr. Shiva. She did for me laparoscopic hysterectomy and was a great job. I can’t express how she eased my pain through the whole procedure and encouraged me with her sweet smile and warmth to replace my fear of illness with trust in recovery.
Thanks, Dr. Shiva for your care and follow up. Thanks for treating me well to good health.
Mrs B

One year back, our angel was born. Respectful Dr. Shiva was the guardian & strong support just like family throughout my pregnancy journey. Her understanding, expertise and dedication at every step made me confident to enjoy my maternity phase, especially during the unforeseen time of Covid-19 & lock down. We will always cherish those moments and the appointment visits to excitedly hear and see the baby growing inside.
Thank you for everything, you have given us the best gift in our lives 🙂
Karishma Bhalla
Thank you Dr Shiva for handling my pregnancy journey and in fact guiding and helping at every step just like family. I never felt scared to ask you anything, you always had the right expert level advise for me. My most trusted gynae in all of UAE. Can’t thank you enough.
Gurpreet Dhillon
I was fortunate to have found a good gynaecologist in Dr. Shiva. She doesn’t rush through appointments, takes time to understand your history and ailments and doesn’t prescribe medications unless necessary. She is extremely patient and professional. I cannot recommend her enough! Her pleasant nature makes it easier for me to bond with her as a patient and explain my concerns. Thank you for all your care. I feel valued as a patient and person in your hospital.
Neha Rafeek
A big big THANK YOU to Dr. Shiva….
The way you handled my wife’s entire journey of pregnancy was EXCELLENT. Your expertise in understanding the issues, treating it at right time in a right way is remarkable. Your nature & dedication deserves immense respect and our blessings.
God bless you. Best wishes.
Jignesh Lukka
‘After searching for and consulting a couple of Gynaecologist for my multiple fibroids I met Dr Shiva who put all my apprehensions to rest. Considering my pre existing and a bit difficult condition I was apprehensive and kept postponing my surgery since years. But after meeting with Dr Shiva she put me at peace and patiently explained to me and my husband the surgery and the associated risks and really comforted us since mine was a high risk surgery. I am extremely happy to write that the surgery was a success and I am relieved of the very heavy monrhly bleeding and the accompanying pains and on way to full recovery after a major surgery.
I thank Dr Shiva and her team of doctors, support staff and post operative nurses for their good care and support.
I came across Dr shiva as a professional with a very pleasant, calm and a friendly demeanour and a humble human being and I am ever thankful to her. May God bless her.’
Thank you, Dr.Shiva for everything you have done to save my life. You are my Angel!! Good doctors like you understand responsibility better than privilege and practice accountability better than business. Before saying that you are an extraordinary doctor I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary human being.